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Peter Giorgio, Director of Education, Nottingham Diocese

We are delighted with the appointment we made and I have reported to the whole community that we could not have been more thorough in the search or more rigorous in the selection process. Thank you Emmaus Leadership.

Jacqui Feely, Chair at All Hallows Catholic College, Macclesfield
Marjorie Bannister, Chair - St Michael's Catholic College, London

Emmaus were instrumental in persuading me to apply for the post of Headteacher. I had seen the school advertising in the past but nothing inspired me to get in touch. Once Emmaus advertised I felt intrigued and keen to learn more about the school. I was supported throughout the whole process, which was a very personal and positive experience. I would highly recommend Emmaus to any school thinking of recruiting, and candidates considering registering. If my new school had not used Emmaus I probably wouldn’t have applied.

<em>Hannah Walters, Headteacher, Platt CE Primary School - Kent</em>

Hannah Walters, Headteacher, Platt CE Primary School - Kent

Could we afford it? My belief, as Chair was that we couldn’t afford not to. Our pupils deserved and needed strong school leaders to be found and drawn to apply. Our success was down to using Emmaus and definitely money well spent.

Carry Lynott - Chair of Governors, Our Lady and St Brendan's Catholic Primary School, Bradford

Thank you for all your support, advice and professionalism through out the long and complex process of our Head’s appointment. Having helped us appoint first time round it was unfortunate, due to personal circumstances, that our new Head had to subsequently withdraw post appointment. We were truly grateful for your service guarantee, which meant we incurred no further costs in appointing her replacement. Your unfailing support and advice at all times was greatly appreciated.


Nicholas van As, Chair of Personnel Committee - Coulsdon CE Primary School

We considered TES Prime, but the critical factor for us was that Emmaus are not only specialists in recruiting Headteachers, they are Christians focused exclusively on recruiting for Church Schools.

<em>Canon Bob Baker, Chair of Governors,The Bishop’s CE School - Thetford</em>

Canon Bob Baker, Chair of Governors,The Bishop’s CE School - Thetford

We have been working with Emmaus Leadership on a number of hard to fill leadership vacancies across the Diocese. All of our dealings have been extremely professional and the feedback from schools has been very positive. It has been somewhat refreshing to deal with a recruitment company that have a good understanding of the Catholic sector, the workings of a Diocese and the requirements of Foundation Governors in appointing senior leaders to our schools. Our experience of Emmaus Leadership has been very positive and I fully recommend their services.

Bridget Prentice, Chair of Governors - Trinity School, Lewisham
The Rt Rev Keith Sinclair - Anglican Bishop of Birkenhead
Dave Cobb - School Business & Development Manager, Saint Cecilia's CE School, London